Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Attack of the Monkeys!

Well we thought we were going to have a relaxing afternoon…but the Monkey’s had another ideas.  Shannon happened to get up and look towards our tents, there were monkey’s everywhere.  They had broken into our tents and gotten my gum and candy bars.  We took off to chase then away.  One of the monkeys had the whole bag of gum.  Chewing it though the wrapper.  Once we got everything cleaned up and straightened back, we went back to the lodge to watch the elephants.  We had to go back a few times to chase the monkeys away, but there was nothing left in the tents for them to eat. After dinner, my mom asked the guard who walked us t our tent if the monkeys would eb asleep now.  He said yes. Then turned his flashlight up the tree above our tent and they were all sleeping in the tree.   It was funny and creepy all at the same time.


  1. So happy to read about your adventure, Kyle. That is awesome that you have seen the Big Five and played soccer with the children. I remember the crater and I could just see that steep road going down into the crater. I am so happy to hear about your journey and know you are loving the trip. Give my love to everyone. I wish I could be with you all. Love, Aunt Beth <><

  2. Thank you for sharing. It is funny to think about a monkey chewing your gum!
