Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Gram is on a Mission

Today we got to sleep in and enjoy the beauty of Gibb’s farm. Mom enjoyed coffee and helped me to update the blog.  I slept in and enjoyed a good breakfast before we headed on the road back to Moshi.  

 It was going to be a bit of a long trip, but on a pretty good road.  Gram had mentioned that she wanted to buy me a Massai Shield.  We had seen a few small ones as we drove, but none the size that would fit me.  But Gram was on a mission and after some major bargaining on my Pops part I bought my Massai shield.  Who knew you could get some one to reduce the price of something from $180 to $25! It was pretty crazy and fancy talking by Pops. 

We stopped in Arushi at Freddie’s shop for some last minute shopping.  I gave Freddie’s children a few of my soccer jerseys.  He was very excited. 
We said good bye to our Drivers, Muddie and John. They were so fun to be with and taught me lots about the animals of Africa.

Back in Moshi we did a final pack up and had dinner with Boniface and his family one last time before we head to Kenya tomorrow.  Little Carroll and I got along great. We played on the playground and enjoyed dinner with our families.

Tanzania has been such a special place.  I know why my mom wanted to share it with me and why she loved growing up here as a child.  Can’t wait until I return with Megan and my dad and mom in a few years.

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